Thursday, June 12, 2014

Draping course - Art principals for draping

Our blog focuses on providing up to date info and ideas on the latest news and trends in the draping industry. We want to inspire our students and our clients across the country and even around the world to create and inspire the most exquisite draping for events and weddings. For information on our latest draping courses and specials visit our website or follow the links to DrapingWedding Planning and Decor courses. We offer in-class, correspondence and for our internet addicted students, online. Enrol today! For our video tutorials, please click here!

Art principles for draping

I've decided to write a few articles about art principles for draping. This is just another way of supporting our ECTA CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Draping students. The problem is that sometimes a client comes with a specific brief and because you are new to the draping industry - you don't always know how to help the client. If you have any such questions - pls feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help you and give you some advice on how to do the draping for your client.

In this article we are going to look at lines, colour and repetition in draping. Please not that this is not a draping that we've done ourselves but a photo that I got on the site of aliexpress - a company that sells draping.

Most people in South Africa will say that this backdrop is a little bit to much for them. To many swags, curtains etc. As I normally says to my students: Styles of draping and details on draping will be different for different cultures, areas and countries. As an example: in South Africa the brides in Durban will love lots of draping, swags, colours and details. The brides in Cape Town will mostly go with a more clean cut simple style of backdrop.

There are a few things that I want to point out in this photo. First of all - look at the placement of the backdrop on this stage. The backdrop does not cover the whole wall area but because of the placement of the large backdrop and the smaller backdrop, your eyes are drawn to them and not the wall at the back. 

The second thing I want you to notice is the way that they have used the principal of repetition. In other words... If you draw a line in the middle of this picture - both sides will look exactly the same. This is one of the most important principals to remember when you are planning and doing a draping.

Happy Draping!


For more info on our draping course contact Adel at 0824416394. We are on whatsapp! Email

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Unique Wedding backdrop ideas

Our blog focuses on providing up to date info and ideas on the latest news and trends in the events industry. We want to inspire our students and our clients across the country and even around the world to create and inspire the most exquisite events and weddings dreams are made of. For information on our latest courses and specials visit our website or follow the links to DrapingWedding Planning and Decor courses. We offer in-class, correspondence and for our internet addicted students, online. Enrol today! For our video tutorials, please click here!

We've been talking about backdrops for wedding and how to make your own backdrop for your wedding. I've decided to look for a few unique backdrop ideas where you will not use any fabric!

The biggest challenge with this backdrop will be to get the two doors to stand AND remember - you can only do such a backdrop in a place where the wind does not blow. You don't want to end up on your own wedding with a bump on the head where the doors fell just when you where about to say yes! Make sure that who ever helps you to do the setup will make sure that those door are well anchored to the ground. Another thing that you must make sure that you place the doors and the flowers that each side looks similar.

This is a unique backdrop where you will use a big piece of hardboard and blackboard paint. Again - the biggest issue with this backdrop will be the way that you get it to stand up straight without causing an accident. As someone to make you a stand that is stable and then use small cable ties to tie the board onto the stand. Make sure it will not fall over. Something else that is important is that with a music backdrop like this you will have to make sure that your lines is straight and that the overall finish of the backdrop is very neat. I always tells my student to look through the lenses of a camera! Even the smallest mistake will be noticeable and you will see it on your wedding photos for the rest of your life!

This is also a very easy backdrop to make for yourself. Use a big piece of hardboard, divide it in 4 even pieces. Make sure that you ask the wood company to cut the corners for you so that all the corners looks the same. Go to a paint shop and buy yourself 4 different color paint. It will all be a blue or a red - but just in different huges. When you paint it just make sure that your paint even. Again - any mistake can be seen through the lenses of a camera. Use a permanent marker to draw the heart and write your message. Make sure it stands up straight and even for the camera.

Some more backdrop ideas:

Photo's from:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How do I make my own wedding backdrop?

There are so many brides out there that can not afford to pay a decorator or drapist to come and do the draping at their wedding - but they would like a beautiful backdrop. How can they make their own backdrop. In this blog I try and give those brides a few ideas on how to make their own backdrop!

First of all you will need to hire in a draping pole stand. You can get those type of stands from companies like Display Scene -

If you are far away of companies where you can rent a draping pole stand you can try and make your own. The only problem with this idea is that you can not make this stand to high because it will then be wobbly. One possibility would be to use something like a thin wooden pole to strengthen it.

Also check out this tutorial on how to make a backdrop stand:

If you need advise on your wedding backdrop - send us an email and one of our facilitators will help you with advise on how to do it!

Check out these great tutorial on how to build your own centre pieces:
check out these great tutorials on centre piece building
We are on Whatsapp!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Backdrop ideas

Why would we need backdrops? For parties, Fashion shows, weddings and so much more! There is such a variety of backdrops available and such a lot of companies that promises you the backdrop of your dreams.

When choosing a draping or backdrop supplier - what do you need to look at? Always ask for references! It is the most important thing. Ask questions like: Was the draping clean? Was the draping set up professional?

If you can not get a company to do your draping - why don't you think about alternatives to material backdrops? In the above picture they used ribbons of different color and different length. When doing something like this - try and keep the colors as close as possible - specially if it is for a wedding.

In this case the bride and groom wanted to go for a bright color backdrop. An easy way to make it is to buy a few meter of each color material. Then you tear the material (or cut the material) is small strips and hang it over the draping pole, cable or whatever you are going to use for a base.

Normally it is better to hire in a company to come and do your draping if you want a formal fabric draping behind your wedding table.Look at this brilliant draping course that you can consider doing if you want to learn how to do your own draping!  A little bird told me that this course is going to be available as a correspondence course during the next few months!

Photo's from the following sites.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rustic decor for an Easter Brunch

Rustic, garden brunch for Easter

Photo from Matha

 When I started researching Easter and what the symbols of Easter is – I got such a wide variety of viewing points that I decided to rather stay away from such a topic. For me it is the joyous time of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I decided to rather look into the traditional Easter Brunch that is normally held on the Sunday over Easter Weekend. Although it is more a European and American custom it is starting to take place in the family lives of the South African people.

We are going to look at a bright, Easter brunch in the form of a picnic. I searched around on the internet for lovely garden setting for an Easter Brunch Picnic. One of the most beautiful ones that I stumble upon was from the site: Lanaloustyle @

Pls do not forget to have the hot cross buns ready for your brunch. Interestingly enough I did a little bit of research on where the tradition of Hot Cross Buns actually started. According to Ferguson Plarre Bake houses  -   

“ in many historically Christian countries, the buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, with the cross standing as a symbol of the crucifixion. They are believed by some to pre-date Christianity, although the first recorded use of the term " hot cross bun" is not until 1733. According to food historian Elizabeth David, the buns were seen by Protestant English monarchs as a dangerous hold over of Catholic belief in England, being baked from the consecrated dough used in making the communion wafer. Protestant England attempted to ban the sale of the buns by bakers but they were too popular, and instead Elizabeth I passed a law permitting bakeries to sell them, but only at Easter and Christmas.” 

One good thing today is that we can buy hot cross buns all over the year. It stays on of the most tempting Easter treats that you can get.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Wedding planning - study @ home

The age old question is: What is a wedding planner and what is a GREAT wedding planner! At ECTA Creative Solutions we have three different ways to become a GREAT wedding planner!

We have just launched a correspondence course for Wedding Planning. We also offer a classroom wedding planner course but that is not all - if you decide you want to study an international online certificate in Wedding planning - go to our website: ECTA Creative Solutions and see what we have to offer.

The normal price for our correspondence course is R3500 but we have a special for the month of April 2013. If you enroll in April 2013 you will only pay R2500 for the course.

Contact our office for more detail.

021 856 0163 or go to our website -