Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How do I make my own wedding backdrop?

There are so many brides out there that can not afford to pay a decorator or drapist to come and do the draping at their wedding - but they would like a beautiful backdrop. How can they make their own backdrop. In this blog I try and give those brides a few ideas on how to make their own backdrop!

First of all you will need to hire in a draping pole stand. You can get those type of stands from companies like Display Scene - http://www.displayscenes.co.za/

If you are far away of companies where you can rent a draping pole stand you can try and make your own. The only problem with this idea is that you can not make this stand to high because it will then be wobbly. One possibility would be to use something like a thin wooden pole to strengthen it.

Also check out this tutorial on how to make a backdrop stand: http://riverroadrustics.blogspot.com/2013/02/photography-backdrop-stand-tutorial.html

If you need advise on your wedding backdrop - send us an email and one of our facilitators will help you with advise on how to do it!

Check out these great tutorial on how to build your own centre pieces: http://www.ectaint.com/index.php?id=13
check out these great tutorials on centre piece building

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